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August 25, 2018 2 min read

Freyja is a Goddess of love, sex, beauty, love, fertility, gold, seiðr (a form of ancient Shamanic Norse sorcery), war and death. Freyja along with her brother Freyr, her father Njörðr, and her mother (like Odin’s wife Frigg) are members of the Vanir. Her husband is Óðr and they have two daughters, Hnoss and Gersemi. Óðr often disappeared travelling to many nations and Freyja wept tears of red gold as she searched for him.

She is a Goddess of love, sex, beauty, love, fertility, gold, seiðr (a form of ancient Shamanic Norse sorcery), war and death. She also assists other deities by allowing them to use her feathered cloak which grants powers of fertility. In one tale, King of the Jötunn, Þrymr steels Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir, in ransom for Freyja’s hand in marriage. Loki borrows Freyja's cloak of feathers and Thor dresses up as Freyja to fool Þrymr. Þrymr was foiled in his scheme by the gracefulness of Heimdallr, the cunning of Loki, and the mightiness of Thor, who killed Þrymr, his sister, and all of the Jötnar kin present for the wedding reception.

After Loki traded insults with the Goddess Frigg, Freyja tells Loki that he is insane and that Frigg knows the fate of everyone. Loki calls Freyja a malicious witch, and invents a story where Freyja was once astride her brother when all of the gods, laughing, saw them. Njörðr interjects, pointing out that Loki has children, and calls him a pervert.

Whilst Odin receives half those slain in battle in the halls of Valhalla, Freyja rules over the field of Fólkvangr from her hall known as Sessrúmnir, where she receives the remainder.

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